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Aki Yoshida

Hello. I used to hate myself. For a very long time, I have had a big sense of self stigma. I believed what others told me and created my own identity based on their words. For many years, I told myself how stupid I was, how weak I was, how the world hates me, and how it is not possible for me to be happy. After years of doing The Work, I came to see a beautiful innocent child in me, who has been very confused and scared for a long time. The child was waiting for me to come talk to her through The Work. I am grateful that finally I am being gentle and kind to myself.

With the support of The Work, I can communicate with her. I can hear her fear, confusion, and her big love towards the universe.

Because I have suppressed my strong emotions for a long time, it took years to be able to see the power of The Work. I could not sit still with my beliefs and emotions by myself to do The Work. I was so afraid of my own violence toward myself. So, I understand your resistance, difficulty, and fear when you are doing The Work.

What I looked in deeply with The Work are:

  • Self stigma/ self doubts
  • Loss of my ‘perfect’ marriage and childhood
  • Feeling responsible for ‘unhappy’ family members
  • Lost opportunity to have a child
  • Fear of not being loved
  • Fear of living

I have learned EFT, Kinesiology, Vipassana Meditation, and many other kinds of tools, and I used to use them to heal people. Now, with the experiences with The Work, I am so happy that I don’t need to do any fixing and healing. The wisdom and answers are here within us waiting to be questioned.
I have a private studio in Tokyo to facilitate The Work and I share The Work in-person or on-line.

Feel free to contact me. I would be so happy to get connected with you.




  • 自分自身を恥じて、疑うこと
  • 「完璧な」結婚生活や子供時代を失うことへの喪失感、恐怖
  • 「不幸せな」人、家族に対する罪悪感
  • 子どもを持てなかった悲しみ、不安
  • 愛されない恐怖
  • 生きることへの恐怖

私はこれまでEFTやキネシオロジー、ヴィパッサナー瞑想その他もろもろのツールを学び、自分自身を癒そうとしてきました。しかしワークが段々と浸透してきて、今は自分自身を、「私が」修正したり癒す必要を感じていません。私の求めていた答えや智恵は私の中にずっとあり、私に問いかけてもらうことを待っていました。 同じことをクライアントの皆さんにも感じています。「私」が皆さんを癒したり、直したりしようとしないとき、皆さんの中から本当の力が光のように放たれ、そのとき、自然と心は落ち着きと平安を取り戻すようです。


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