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Sue Lee

For the past 23 years, I have attended lots of workshops from many gurus, certified as holistic health counselors, and learned different kinds of healing modalities, in search of tools that bring true freedom and joy in life.

The Work came into my life in year 2001 when I first read Katie’s book, Loving What Is. Immediately I felt in love with the book and found that the truth shared in the book resonated with me. Later, a frustrating incident with a dear friend kept me up at night and brought me to the first experience with The Work. At the end of the process, I was left with an open heart and saw her as a beautiful and understanding friend for the very first time.

However, what really anchored The Work into my life was when I went through a separation from a long term relationship and drowned in my very own judgments about myself, and about ending the relationship. With everything that I have learned, and knew at that time, I couldn’t find a way out of my misery—I was trying to fit the world’s teaching into my life and I went further into self blame.

The Work was the only thing that was “unconditional” enough to free me from my judgmental mind. I was no longer trying to fit a teaching into my life. With every stressful concept questioned, my mind became more open, I became freer, I started to live what is true for me and started to walk my own path. From a person that was rigid with lots of concepts of how things should be, I transformed into someone who started to live life for the very first time. To me, true freedom and joy is an internal process, and The Work is the simplest, most direct, and yet potent way, I have ever experienced that helps to undo what is in between joy and me.

I no longer wait for the world to change in order for me to be happy, I start to meet people and things at where they are at. Joy started to pour into my life and self-discovery become a way of life for me. I now live a much more aware life and The Work has become an important part of my life and who I am.

I am available to work with people all around the world over Skype and Zoom. I offer live workshops, teleclasses, and coaching teleclasses, in both English and Mandarin in Asia. I specialise in intra- and inter-relationships (spouse, family, work), money, life, and work-related stress. I also offer The Work-related corporate trainings for employees and management teams.

Regardless of where you are at in your life, whether you are stuck with some issues in life or simply would like greater freedom and clarity in your life, I would love to hear from you and discuss how I can support you in finding greater freedom through self-inquiry.

在过去的17年里,我参加了许多大师的工作坊,得到过整体健康顾问的认证,学了不少的治疗方式,目的是要寻找能带给我真正的自在和喜悦的工具。 2001年,我第一次看到凯蒂的书——《一念之转》,”功课”由此进入了我的生活。当时的我真的很喜欢书里的概念,而第一次体验功课是在一个夜晚,当时我对我的一个朋友感到很愤怒,就写了一张作业单,做了第一次的功课。做完了功课後,我感觉开放,第一次体验到她的优美与她善解人意的那一面。

“功课”真正融入了我的生活是在我正面临着一段感情的结束的时候,当时我不停地在头脑里批判我自己,质疑自己的所作和选择。在所有我学过的和我知道的方法里,我都没有找到出路。我试图让自己活出那些大师们的教导,可是却更加深入的陷入自我责备与批判的痛苦,无法自拔。”功课”是唯一一个”无条件”的帮我从自我批判中得到解脱的工具,我不再强迫自己去符合那些教导。随着我不断质疑每一个让我感到有压力的概念,我的内心开始释放,我感觉更加自在,我开始活出我的真实,走出我自己的路。我从一个死板的、总是认为事情应该如何如何的人,转变成一个真正开始生活的人。对我而言,真正的自在和喜悦,只能在内心世界找到, 而”功课”是我所体验过的最为简单、直接、有力的方式。我不再等待世界为我而改变,我在人和事的本然中和它们相遇。喜悦开始涌入我的生活,自我内心探索成为了我的生活方式。现在,我过着一种更为清醒的生活,而”功课”已经成为我生活中重要的一部分。



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