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Evangeline Frances Sarat

Whew, my life before The Work! I went through a bit of a whirlwind about 5 years that, in addition to sweeping out a lot of the old and sweeping in much new, also ushered in The Work. After I attended my first School for the Work I remember sitting on the plane ride home and doing inquiry after inquiry in my notebook.

Freedom! Shifts in perspective that brought breath back to my lungs, relaxation back deep into my belly, vibrant aliveness back into all that I laid eyes on. At that time, I was running a fairly large organic vegetable farm (and had been for years), and within 5 months of doing The Work every day I found myself quite suddenly and wonderfully having sold my farm and dedicating the next several years to becoming a Certified Facilitator, as well as really creating a true home for myself and my two children.

It’s not all peaches and roses in my life now, yet The Work is a blessing that gives to me over and over. I sleep all night (after years of nightly insomnia), I can actually listen with inner calm (not a fake calm skimmed over a raging boil) to my children, friends, and family when they have criticism for me. And now I can now ask for help! That is something that, having a terror of being vulnerable, I could not do in the past.

I have begun to bring clear loving looking at the generations of abuse that has plunged through my family lineages, and with that a depth of compassion and my heart breaking into such sweetness that I had never even imagined in dreams.

My Work is intimately tied to a meditation practice, and I trust silence and stillness as my greatest teachers of truth. The teachings of Adyashanti and Sharon Landrith inform my life, as well as work with clients.

With clients I create a space of calm, slow deep looking at their inner world.

In particular I do inner child work married with The Work. My sense is that all of our stressful thoughts are embodied by our precious inner child, and when we really take the time and patience to sit with those precious ones and gently do The Work, true healing can happen. By sitting with these little ones and really being with them and adult presence begins to infuse our Work, and that adult presence is the part of us that can see the truth. That adult presence is the one that can actually be with the inner child and bring them safety, peace, and love.

I run retreats using The Work in combination with silent meditation and heart-based inquiry, as well as work with private clients.

New York, United States
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