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Audrey Pruneta

Until I discovered the Work in 2014, I was angry. Angry at my mother, convinced that she should have reacted differently. Angry at my children, believing they only acted as they wish, convinced that they should have
obeyed me. Angry at my students, who were too messy… I was especially angry at myself and my constant inabilities.

When I started practicing the Work, I realized that the events in my life were not the origin of my
suffering, but my stressful thoughts about these events. Thanks to the 4 questions and turnarounds, I gradually became aware that none of those stressful thoughts were true. Moreover, beyond that new awareness, my own vision of the world keeps changing every day.

I don’t have problems with my mother anymore (I can’t even remember when I did!), my relationship with my children has been transformed and even more, the very perception of what it is to be a mother has deeply evolved. I now enjoy working with my students, even though I used to feel frustrated and had negative judgments about myself.

I am also glad I could present the Work to many people around me, and give them the opportunity to discover its power! Some of them have started practicing regularly on their own, others call me when they feel stuck or suffer too much and we plan a session.

Give yourself the gift of a session, and you’ll feel the peace it brings into your life and within your

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audrey pruneta
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