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Christy Hirsch

I spent years creating success in corporations, then stepped away from corporate work to investigate a commonplace, intractable problem facing business today: how leaders can wisely navigate chaotic, complex, and unpredictable situations. My doctoral research concludes that hasty answers and customary solutions give the appearance of productivity—but they evade the deeper challenges of uncertainty, which demand new ways of being.

My research led me to Socratic Inquiry as a way to question the old paradigms, scripts, and past information that dominate one’s thoughts and behavior while prohibiting new insights. During this exploration into Inquiry I was introduced to The Work of Byron Katie. I immediately experienced peace as I recognized the practice for me. 

Before The Work I came from the “I know” mind. I prided myself on having the best answers, solutions, advice. I believed my role was to “fix” people and situations. I realize now that I was shoulding all over people. I only added to suffering – mine and others’ discomfort.

Now, The Work has taught me the safety of humility and that being in the “don’t know” mind can be powerful. I experienced the ease of emptying myself of my motivations, my mind full of answers, and my expectations of others. The Work has taught me about being.

My unique fusion of experience, education, and training draws upon an MBA, a doctorate in organizational leadership and decades of business leadership. The outgrowth of this fertile blend is a unique perspective that I can bring when facilitating clients in The Work.

California, United States
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