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Tully Machtynger

I was introduced to The Work about 20 years ago.

I was angry, arrogant, lonely, and lost at the time. My neck and shoulders were made of concrete. I had headaches. I was at war with the world and myself.

My meditation teacher was a godsend. She introduced me to Eckhart Tolle and Gangaji and blew my mind. Then she gave me a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet from Byron Katie. WTF is this? I have enough problems without this smug, new-age guru telling me to turn it around. The door to my curiosity slammed shut, and we were done.

A few months later, I broke up with a partner, friends drifted away, and depression descended upon me. I found the worksheet and filled it out. I took myself through inquiry, and my heart cracked open. Years of pain poured out of me. I felt a strange relief in not knowing anything for sure. If I’m wrong about who you are and who I am, then what now?

I devoured every recording of Katie working with people. I filled out worksheet after worksheet and inquired into my stories of family, addiction, mental illness, not belonging, money, body, traffic, toxic colleagues, guilt, shame, and everything.

Peace, joy, and innocence emerged.

The Work continues to hold and heal every imaginable niggle and nightmare. I’m immensely grateful to Katie and those who support her.

It is my privilege to facilitate anyone who is drawn to this Work. I offer online 1:1 sessions by appointment.

Victoria, Australia
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