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Christine Eggleston

Yearning to find happiness in my life made me come to the United States of America many years ago after being a teacher for years at a university in Beijing, China. Even with all the hardships that I went through during the first few years in the U.S.—divorced soon after arriving, no money, being a single parent of a young daughter, working and studying at same time to support myself for another Master degree, and more. Even though I was re-building my life in a new country from zero, I had no doubt that I could achieve success and find my happiness when I got all the things I wanted in a new land. I was driven by hard work and dedication.

I was very goal oriented, my only thought was to achieve my goals one by one, the next goal was always the one I wanted, I lived in the future and did not truly enjoy my life very much. In a short few years, I got everything I thought would bring me happiness—married to a wonderful man who loves me dearly, a beautiful daughter who is excellent and wonderful in all areas, a great high-tech management job in one of U.S. Fortune 50 companies, surrounded by friends and family, living in a beautiful home in sunny California and more.

My life was picture-perfect from outside, but inside of me, I noticed I was still not as happy as I thought I should be, actually I was very stressed out, then I realized I must have looked for happiness in the wrong place. This realization sent me on my inner journey, since then I have followed some Eastern and Western spiritual teachings and I have gone through books, workshops, and a lot of spiritual buffets.

This searching for inner peace brought me to Byron Katie’s landmark book Loving What Is. Katie has not only told me that I have the answer within me, she shows me how to get to it. From that moment, I started applying The Work in every aspect of my life and every day I see the changes in my life. I started sharing The Work with people in U.S. and China. Now, after doing The Work on myself for years, I often experience peace and joy in my life. As a fellow traveler on the path to inner peace, I have been experiencing the power and the value of The Work as a guiding light for this journey.

My Eastern and Western cultural background has enriched my experiences with The Work. As a Certified Facilitator, I offer workshops on The Work through various methods including teleclasses and free educational events. Private personal consultations are available by appointment. I specialize in intimate relationships, parenting, family issues and workplace stress, and more. I also offer corporate training programs for employees and management based on The Work.


为此,那时的我非常注重目标的实现,我当时只是生活在”将来时”之中,没有体会到活在当下的快乐和喜悦。那时的我只是一步一步地埋头来实现我的下一个目标, 总是以为下一个目标就是我想要的。在短短的几年中,我确实得到了我以为会给我带来幸福和成功的一切: 一个非常好的并极为爱我的丈夫,一个漂亮,出色又有爱心的女儿,一份在一家全美国50强公司的高科技管理工作,一个舒适温馨的家,生活在阳光明媚的加州等等。在外表上看来,我的生活就像明信片一样完美,可是内心的我这时却发现我仍然没有像我想象的那样感到非常幸福,实际上,我觉得生活得很有压力。


独特的东西方文化哲学相结合的背景丰富了我做国际认证”功课”协导师的经历。我在中美两地举办”功课”工作坊、”功课”的公益课程、提供一对一专人的心灵咨询、同时还举办”功课”网络课程等等。我擅长于:亲密关系(夫妻冲突与沟通,恋爱),亲子关系(不论孩子有多大)、身体、金钱、成功与压力缓解 (生活, 工作, 学习和考学校的压力) 等等方面。我也提供以”功课”为基础的公司的员工和管理阶层的培训课程

我最大的快乐是跟更多的人尤其是跟中国朋友們分享”功課”。我真诚地愿意和那些愿找到自己自由的朋友们一起做功课。 我诚挚邀请你和我一起来体验自由和喜悦的人生

California, USA
Chinese, English
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