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Jia-Lan Natalie Wen

The Work transformed my life to a state of peace, joy, and clarity that I could not have imagined before. This gift belongs to everyone and I am here to serve.

My relationship with my husband had been a constant struggle since early on, and that permeated through all aspects of my life. Later came the challenges of parenting my teenage son who grew up experiencing the daily discord of his parents. Being a high achiever both at academics and in my business career, I could not comprehend what went wrong. Desperate and helpless, I embarked on a spiritual journey looking for answers and solutions. I learned all I could from the prevailing new age masters, including Louise Hay, Seth Materials, etc. I also turned to eastern wisdom and began meditation and studying Buddhism. However, I remained confused, and could not find my way out of my own misery.

I first read Loving What Is in 2008. I loved it but could not understand why people changed their mind so quickly when Katie facilitated them as I read the scripts. Not until I saw Katie’s video clips in the summer of 2015, a lightbulb went on inside me. I knew this is it! From that day on, I practically “lived” with Katie everyday through her books, videos, or audios. I checked in the 9-day School, Katie’s events, and eventually engaged myself fully in the certification program.

My life began to shift as I immersed myself in doing The Work, taking another look at situations that used to trouble me. Each time, it feels like a cleansing of love. My experience with that situation changed automatically by itself. I completely understand why the world is a reflection of my mind, and that forgiveness is realizing what I thought happened did not. As my perception changes, my family life has become so much more peaceful, and it becomes so clear to me that when I mind only my own business, and take care of my own thoughts, people around me finally have chances and freedom to be who they really are.

My inexpressible gratitude led me to serve in whatever capacity I could to share this precious gift—The Work—with the world. It is such a privilege to serve on the Helpline listening to inner voices from all over the world. I have been promoting The Work in Chinese through Weibo, Ximalaya, and leading a WeChat group dedicated to doing The Work. Anyone interested is welcome to join the group, and connect with those already doing the inquiry in Chinese. I offer monthly free online events to introduce The Work as well as fee-based online workshops.

I grew up in Taiwan, and moved to the U.S. to pursue an MBA degree at UCLA. I then worked my way up in a Fortune 500 company for 15 years. I am now a Financial and Education consultant at leisure, and serve on the board of a non-profit organization dedicated to support talented youth. I understand challenges in the corporate world, intimate relationships, parenting, and family issues.

I am open to any opportunity the universe brings me. I love and look forward to connect with everyone that comes to my life. Drop me a note in whichever way you prefer. We will start there.





當我沈浸在功課的練習裡,重新看待曾經困擾我的經驗,我的生命開始轉變。每做一次,就像一個愛的洗禮,不自覺地改變了我原來的經驗。我因此而充分明白為什麼世界是我心智的投影,而且寬恕是覺悟我認為發生的,其實從來沒有發生過。 當我對經驗的認知起了變化,我的家庭生活也越來越平安。一切變得清楚明白,我看到當我管好自己的事,透過功課處理好我自己的念頭,我身旁的人終於有機會和自由做他們真正的自己。

無法言喻的感恩讓我願意盡我所能,向大眾介紹這份珍貴的禮物 — 功課。能夠在功課服務專線上,傾聽來自世界各地的聲音是份莫大的榮幸。我透過微博、喜瑪拉雅,和帶領微信群在華人世界推廣功課。歡迎任何有興趣的朋友來加入我的微信群,和已經一羣以中文做功課的朋友連結。我每月舉辦線上的公益活動,同時也開辦收費的線上課程。



California, USA
Chinese, English
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