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Marty Epstein

When I was eight years old I stood in front of my parents’ large mirror, looked myself in the eyes, and asked “who am I?” That question has been moving me ever since. This search has led to The Work, self-inquiry. Although I have heard that the source of all my suffering is what I am believing, The Work and the simplicity of the four questions and turnarounds has shown me that this is true.

For years I would awaken with anxiety. Sometimes I could pin this stress on the day’s activities, or on a relationship. The belief was if that “thing” went away, or it turned into something “good”, or something better came along, my life would be better, and this stress would go away. However, there were many days all seemed to be going my way and, still, I woke up in stress and anxiety.

Once I had The Work, it became clear that this stress was my temple bell that I was believing a thought. At that point I grabbed, wrote down, what was moving in mind at the time and did The Work. Almost immediately, I noticed, lightness, an accepting heart, i.e. no resistance and a joyful trickle coursing through me—it was clear that what I believed as true, the painful thought, was as true as its opposites!

I have practiced meditation for over 30 years, studied the wisdom texts, some in the Sanskrit language. I also have spent many years practicing empathic listening as I facilitated groups in Nonviolent Communication.

Over the last few years I have brought The Work to universities where I teach, along with other colleges, schools, and centers. I am delighted and look forward to supporting you, your group, or organization in facilitating The Work.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, especially if the The Work is new to you.

New York, USA
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