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Melek Mjaanes

The first time I attempted to run away from home, I was four years old. I had my grandma’s hat on and wanted to find out what was going on beyond the life at home. I succeeded finally, at 18, to run all the way to Israel, and my soul-searching saga took me to ten different countries, many different situations and lifestyles. I was looking for myself. I was gifted in many ways, spoke four languages, and had an educational background that enabled me to have a lot to say in all of them. I was an avid reader and writer, stuck in pain and sarcastic judgement, used both internally and externally. I decided to become a fashion designer, thinking it was the outside that needed to change to make an impact. The unsuccess in selling my clothes line (due to a huge ego that made me pack and leave the office of the Bloomingdale’s buyer when he asked why he should carry my line, a normal inquiry about what his advantages would be if he were to place an order with me) brought me to Yoga and Meditation. My then rebellious mind was not ready to be transformed, so Yoga unleashed the suppressed emotions and Meditation soothed the suffering, temporarily. The thoughts that I was trying so hard to run away from, were climbing back in after a short while. I went through addiction, success, failure, divorce, motherhood, happiness, grief of loss of my second husband, single motherhood always asking for the “Why”. Suffering had not subsided. Anxiety woke me up in the mornings. I was powerless over my thoughts. At that point The Work came into my life. I was in LA and my close friend insisted that I should attend the New Year’s Cleanse.

I could not help but cry as Byron Katie entered the room. I was the first one to put the hand up to share my Worksheet and she asked me to her parlor. The wailing stopped in three minutes into the inquiry, I saw I had a choice and that till then I was choosing to be a victim. After that, Work became my passion. Simple and eloquent four questions and three turnarounds brought me peace and serenity. I started to wake up to the chirping of the birds. Fear and anxiety dissipated as I continued to question each thought that separated me from the true me. Slowly I found me.

I love The Work and take it everywhere with me, running workshops in Turkey, Romania, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Dubai, Qatar and now in Los Angeles, CA. I offer The Work online or face to face, with individuals, groups or businesses. The Work works.

California, USA
English, Turkish
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