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Melony Malouf

I first experienced The Work ten years ago and it radically changed my life from one of overwhelm and anxiety to one of joy and peace and it continues to do so on a daily basis. The Work is the most powerful, life-changing process I have ever experienced.

I’ve had the opportunity to be Katie’s personal assistant for the majority of the past ten years. In that role, I have traveled all over the world with her and have seen The Work “work” in every situation imaginable. I have watched many people with the most difficult life problems, amazingly transform their lives simply by answering the four questions, turning it around and allowing their new insights to open their hearts and minds. I have traveled with Katie to such a wide variety of settings such as prisons, ghettos, corporations, tv & radio stations, churches and a wide variety of the public event venues and 9-day schools.

Using The Work on my own personal issues as well as facilitating The Work with hundreds of others, I am convinced that The Work is the best tool for relieving pain and suffering. It offers those who are willing and open to answering the questions a peaceful and happy life beyond what they could have imagined.

I am so grateful to have it in my life and love sharing it. I consider The Work the most valuable gift to give. I look forward to working with you. I am available to work with individuals, couples, families and groups.

Colorado, USA
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