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Nancy Rodda

I became aware of The Work after having tried many avenues to alleviate intense feelings of anxiety and stress. To an observer, I looked fine on the outside, actually better than fine, but inside I was living a painful existence.

I explored various traditional and self-help modalities. Each one moved me slowly toward a less painful existence, but it was not enough. In 2008, my husband saw the book Loving What Is. Knowing my inner struggles, he bought it for me saying “I think this might help you.” That was a complete understatement!

I learned how to identify the harsh self-judgments and a host of underlying beliefs that were the cause of my pain. By practicing The Work alone, with partners, and attending various events, sadness and anxiety decreased. Feelings of joy and gratitude increased.

I am no longer chronically anxious, I can and do feel joy and gratitude. I am kinder to myself. When I do feel stressful, I know to write it down, ask the four questions and turn it around.

The Work is not just for those of us who have dealt with significant stress. It can help with the everyday frustrations and problems of life. I have done The Work on my beliefs and judgments about family members, co-workers, money, retirement, vacations, politics, and having “too much to do”.

The Work has been the single most important vehicle of change and inner growth in my life and because of this, I want to share it with others. I am available for individual sessions on Skype and by phone. I am also available to do introductory or topic-based workshops in Michigan. If you are interested in exploring how The Work might be helpful to you, please contact me. It would be an honor to share this life-changing process with you.

Michigan, USA
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