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Nechama Teichtal

Thanks to The Work I found love. No, not what is usually meant by that, but the love that was hidden from me, that was “unknown territory”. At some point doing The Work, a dark curtain of “thoughts and beliefs” was lifted, revealing the love that was there all along.

I grew up during the Second World war with a mother who believed she didn’t love me. In this “we joined forces”, except that my mother used to say, “you are a victim of the war”, while in my eyes, I was simply her victim.

All my life I lived in misery — blaming (my mother, mainly), feeling confused, and suffering from the lowest self-esteem imaginable.

Dissatisfied with my life, I embarked on a long search for my “salvation”. I took up countless courses, workshops, and other pursuits, including Salsa and Tai chi, though I stopped short at Bungee.

Some of these brought a measure of relief, mainly my training as a parenting-group facilitator, but no lasting cure. At the age of 50-something, I got a master’s in social work, specialising in family therapy. I was happy for a while. It worked like a tranquilizer against pain. But this, too, didn’t last for long.

And then The Work found me!

I had heard about Byron Katie, as she used to visit Israel, but had little interest in her and The Work. Until, at one of the many courses I attended, a teacher mentioned that she intends to go to Germany to one of Byron Katie’s functions. Since I felt I could do with a holiday abroad, I asked her to enroll me too. That’s how I ended up there.

With the first School that I came to, my search came to an end! Not only my current life changed for the better, but through Inquiry, I changed the narrative concerning my relationship with my mother. There was a moment during facilitation where I evolved from the helpless victim into someone who felt empowered enough to console my mother and reassure her. I was able to hug her and say: “It’s okay! Don’t worry! All is well.”

I hope her soul felt it.

I can’t claim that I don’t still feel a victim at times, that I’m not angry and fearful. Only now I know that these feelings are not Me. They are guests that have come to visit from time to time. I receive them, ask them what they want to tell me, and then I inquire about the thoughts as they arise.

I’m delighted with how the change in me affects my family. Mainly how “I”, or rather The Work, has become quite popular with some of my grandchildren and their friends, who ask me to do The Work with them. This I do gladly, with love and gratitude.

I’m also happy to serve on the Helpline and am available to work with anyone who is interested by Skype, Phone, or Zoom.

English, German, Hebrew
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