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Zoe Newman

The Work for me has been an incredible gift, giving me a way to break the stranglehold of self-judgments, regrets, and beliefs that so often created torment or depression in my own life. It has also provided me a tool to work with anger without having to close my heart, and to move through the stuck places and obsessive thinking that would endlessly loop in my mind, blocking my full presence to others and in my meditation practice. In fact, The Work itself has become the deepest meditation I know. Like a laser light penetrating the dense dark cloudbank of my thinking, its four questions and turnaround open to a more spacious and joyous, and vaster, possibility of being.

As a psychotherapist for nearly twenty years, and doing The Work for the last nine, I see so clearly how it’s the stories and thoughts we believe that keep us caught in our suffering. I know of no approach so simple, effective and life changing as The Work to cut through these and reconnect us with the love and peace available in our lives.

From my experience in my own Work, as well as with others, I welcome whatever you bring: whether depression, anxiety, anger, self-hatred, rejection, addictions, parenting or relationship struggles, or simply the desire for freedom.

I am available to facilitate The Work with individuals and couples, by phone or in person, and also offer workshops and teleclasses. Please feel most welcome to call to explore the possibilities of working together.

California, USA
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