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Byron Katie's Blog

From The School: Katie-isms

"All prejudice is self-inflicted pain." "When the mind understands itself, that's the end of war." "I only see my face in your face. I see me." "You can’t do it wrong. That's not possible." "The Work only works if you…

The School is in Session!

The October nine-day School for The Work has begun. It's the largest school ever(!) – and I'm thrilled that so many people have taken time out from their busy schedule to attend the School of themselves and to begin…

Back to Reality

Anytime you feel lonely, notice—just notice—and ask yourself, "Mentally, whose business am I in?" Notice how this awareness can bring you back to the present, back to reality, where you really are, in this moment of grace where life makes…

The Work in Japan

Here's an article from the Japan Times about Nina and Ashik Peter Lynch as they move The Work in Japan. I can't thank them enough. The Work: Four Questions for a Peaceful Mind By Angela Jeffs Nina Lynch and her…

A Letter from the Parlor

Here is a wonderful letter from Johannes about his experience during this summer's School at Bad Neuenahr and after. Originally published in last month's Parlor, it is worth reading again and again. Thank you, Johannes! Dear Katie! Sorry, that my…

A Prayer

If I had a prayer, it would be this: “God, spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation. Amen.”…

Inquiry: “My Partner Left Me…”

Participant: I’m hurt by K**** because he left me. Katie: So “He left you”—is that true? Participant: Not really; in my heart he is there all the time. Katie: So how do you react when you think the thought “He…

Activism and The Work

Here's an excerpt from chapter 29 of my new book A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are: If you have a problem with people or with the state of the world, I invite you…

E-mail from Brian in the UK

Thank you for allowing me to share this with our readers, Brian. Dear Katie I am a new subscriber to The Parlor, and have enjoyed the latest edition greatly, and am enjoying exploring the archive. I love the wisdom I'm…

Anxiety – The Beginning of Wisdom

An uncomfortable feeling is not an enemy. It’s a gift that says, "Get honest; inquire." We reach out for alcohol, or television, or credit cards, so we can focus out there and not have to look at the feeling. And…

Inquiry: “She Didn’t Give Me The Job…”

Here's a dialog from this (hot) summer in Europe: Participant: I’m angry at ***** because she didn't give me the job. Katie: “She didn't give you the job”—is that true? Participant: Yes. Katie: Yes. She either gave you the job,…

Inquiry – Terrorism and The Work

Terrorism at the World Trade Center: A Dialogue in Cambridge, September 13, 2001 I was scheduled to be in New York on 9/11/01. The morning I was to travel from Long Island, the planes hit the towers, bridges were closed…

A Thousand Faces of Joy

At the School for The Work – Bad Neuenahr, Germany – July 2006….

Live Now: Just Do the Dishes!

Become mindful of how often your conversations focus on the past or future. Be aware of the verbs you use: was, did, will, are going to, etc. To speak of the past in the present is to reawaken and recreate…

Whose Business Are You In?

Notice when you hurt that you are mentally out of your business. If you're not sure, stop and ask, "Mentally, whose business am I in?" There are only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God's. Whose…

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