The Husband Story
If you say that you love your husband, what does that have to do with him? You're just telling him who you are. You tell the story of how he's handsome and fascinating and sexy, and you love your story…

A Reading
I look up, I see Stephen walking into the room with a copy of his new book under his arm. He's happy like a child, delighted with what he sees as the book's production values, what it looks like, how…

A Valentine’s Story
I first met Stephen because Michael Katz said that I needed a literary agent. I said I didn't have a book, so I didn't need a literary agent. But Michael persisted. I liked him a lot, so eventually I said…

All Ways Lead to The Right Place
I'm sitting with friends in the sun, at a table outside Ojai Coffee Roasting Co. My cell phone rings. It's Stephen. He's going to join us. I give him directions: "Turn left, honey, turn right, and look for us on…

A Happy Marriage
Someone asked me what was the secret to a happy marriage. I explained that "happy marriage" is the story that we are believing in the moment, or not. I love the story of "my" marriage. Do you yet? When I…

Book Excerpt: “My Mother Wouldn’t Approve”
Chapter 3 from Who Would You Be Without Your Story >> Are you trying to spare someone’s feelings by denying yourself? Free yourself from that prison. How can you know that they’ll disapprove? And if they do, whose business is…

Another Letter from Costa in Rwanda
For those of you keeping up with our Rwandan family, here is another letter (unedited) from our dear Costa: My Dears love, I am always thinking about you. I was very fortunate to know you from the School for The…

Becoming a Certified Facilitator for The Work
photo: Paul Snider Ojai, CA – On the way to becoming a certified facilitator….

Peace on Earth
Between April and June 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed within a 100 days. It was a genocide of Tutsis perpetrated by the Hutus. We have received several letters and emails from you, our dear readers, asking us to…

A Letter from Texas
Here's a letter from someone in Texas: Dear Katie, Now that Obama has won, I'm noticing friends of mine are going to the gun store and buying more guns and ammunition. This seems ridiculous to me, but when I…

Why Can’t We Change?
We all know people, family members, or friends who find change difficult. We know people who always seem to drift into painful relationships. As soon as they get out of one painful relationship, they begin another. Why can’t they change?…

A Letter from Mexico City
Hi my dearest Katie: How are you? I am in a new wonderful adventure, we left Tijuana and now are living in México City, where all my family live. What I am first learning is to meditate during traffic, it…

A Letter from China
Dear Katie, I am so pleased to know you . i am lily from China. and i just read some translation in Chinese of your articles on some blogs. I love to read those words and the dialogues. and i…

From a participant at The School for The Work
My Living Will Last night, C and I were sitting in the family room and I said to her, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever…

A Letter from Holland
Dear Dear Katie, How are you? I want to share some things with you: In the last month there are so many challenges on my path: I “lost” a lot of money because of the credit crisis. It is about…