Letter: From Sylvia
Dear Katie, I wish to participate again in the nine-day School for the Work to be held in July this year. It is my hope that I will gain some more experience and would work towards being certificated. Ever since I left the School last year on the 28th of July 2013 my life was…
Letter: From Nysha
Dear Katie, My wish is to participate again in the nine-day School for The Work for July 2014 so as to further gain experience in anticipation of working towards certification. Because of The Work I am a changed person in terms of relationships, diet, and exercising. The work done in 2013 helped understand more about…
The Work in Zimbabwe
For those of you who aren’t yet aware of Nadine Ferris France and her team, read her latest email (below). Thanks to you and your School enrollments and tuition’s, the Work Foundation is able to make allow community leaders in Zimbabwe to attend this year’s School for The Work in Bad Neuenahr, Germany. We are…
Letter: From a Certified Facilitator of The Work
Dear Katie, Thank you. What a beautiful gift to bring The Work to TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors). Thom Herman and I offered The Work to the families and loved ones who had someone die in war or by suicide, at The 20th Annual Survivor Event in Arlington, Virginia. We experienced such open minds…
Letter: About Apologizing
Dear Katie, I haven’t fully understood the concept of “to apologize” yet. There is a conflict for me between wanting to apologize and then, when the other person says “I accept your apology” or “I forgive you,” I feel like “Now it looks as if I did it on purpose and I didn’t!!” And I…
The Mind Establishes Itself…
The mind establishes itself as a victim only to get what it doesn’t want.
The Work in Zimbabwe
These are the participants in a 3-month course on self-stigma and HIV, using The Work. Each of them has described the far-reaching impact that the course has had on their lives. They want to develop a five-year plan to move the Work in Zimbabwe, especially related to HIV-connected issue. Nadine says, “It is the…
Hello, Hans. This is Pamela Hickein, from Right Brain Kids! As you may recall, I brought four copies of “Tiger, Tiger,” Katie’s books and the card set you illustrated for our right brain schools in Malaysia. The teachers have really embraced the 4 questions, and the older group of children have, too. I introduced the…
Turnaround House
Many of you have asked about our 28-day program at Turnaround House in Ojai, California, home of the Center for The Work. Turnaround House is one of the loveliest and most charming homes in our area, and our program is really beyond words that can do it justice; it’s a one-of-a-kind experience! Turnaround House is…
The Work in China
Dearest Katie, I am writing to you from Shenzhen, China. Just finished a 3-day workshop of The Work for 30 participants. Want to let you know that The Work is so so well loved by the Chinese here. It touched me deeply to see the willingness of these lovely ones, especially the young people, to…
Huff Post says, “Byron Katie Just Wants You to Be Happy.” Is it true?
When I’m working with someone, I don’t think about the outcome. I’m not concerned with whether you’re taking it in, or how deep your insight is, or what you do with it or how far you go with it, or whether you’re in total resistance or have a major awakening. What I care about is…