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Byron Katie's Blog

Anyone who is angry…

Anyone who is angry is fearful. Byron Katie Can you feel that? Judge-Your-Neighbor worksheet.

Thought Thursday: On Parents and Children

Byron Katie on Parents and Children If your happiness depends on your children being happy, that makes them your hostages. So stay out of their business, stop using them for your happiness, and be your own happiness. And that way you are the teacher for your children: someone who knows how to live a happy…

I’m not grateful…

I’m not grateful for this or that. I’m grateful -Byron Katie

2014 Summer Camp for The Work: Questions for Katie

Questions for Katie: Background: We told the kids a little bit about you today, including the story about a man with a gun threatening to kill you. Some of their questions reflect their curiosity about that story. What is your religion? (Elijah) Kindness. Describe The Work in one word. (Cynthia) Inquiry. How did The Work…

Feedback from the South Carolina Grief Project

South Carolina Grief Project Dear Katie, On the Helpline we were invited to provide feedback on our experience of offering support for the South Carolina project. In the early morning (Australian time) of 19 June I received a call from a woman who had a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet on racism. She mentioned the shooting, which I…

South Carolina Grief Project

South Carolina Grief Project Dearest lovely Byron Katie, My name is Justin H. and I am a 26-year-old South Carolinian living abroad, currently in Mallorca, Spain teaching English. I am writing to you now in what I would call a “completely out of character” way, but after reading this morning´s news about the truly heart-breaking…

Loving What Is is Published in Arabic

A new translation of Loving What Is into Arabic has been published by Lulua Publishing. Here is a photo taken in their Dubai office—Intisar al-Sabah, the publisher, is on the left, with Zeina Bitar, the editor-in-chief.

Thought Thursday: On Work and Money

On Work and Money The next time you give your children money, realize that the receiving is in the giving. There’s nothing more to receive than that. If you touch it again, it’s hot! The receiving is in the moment you give it. That’s all you get. It’s over. If you have one expectation one…

Thought Thursday: On Self-Realization

Only in this moment (which doesn’t exist) are you in reality. Everyone can learn to live in the moment, as the moment, to love what is in front of you, to live it as you. The miracle of love comes to you in presence of the uninterpreted moment. If you are mentally somewhere else, you…

No one can…

Have you tested this? No one can trigger me only I can do that. Byron Katie For more information, visit

South Carolina Grief Project

Do The Work HelplineSouth Carolina Grief Project After receiving the following letter from Justin, I immediately invited all Certified Facilitators to specifically be available for all the people whom Justin and many of us care about so deeply. Certified Facilitators, please go to the Helpline and volunteer your time to those people wanting help through…

Health, Sickness, and Death

Byron Katie on Health, Sickness, and Death A lover of what is looks forward to everything: life, death, disease, loss, earthquakes, bombs, anything the mind might be tempted to call “bad.” Life will bring us everything we need, to show us what we haven’t undone yet. Nothing outside ourselves can make us suffer. Except for…

Since the past is…

Since the past is unreal and the future is unreal, all your thoughts are about nothing — Byron Katie   That is the clutter that overrides wisdom. Please visit for more information.


Byron Katie is now an honorary board member for a local, Santa Barbara Non-Profit organization called AHA!. AHA! serves teens and families year-round with after-school programs in Santa Barbara and Carpinteria, a summer program in Santa Barbara, and in-school programs in Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, and Goleta. Their aim is to create a community of socially and emotionally…


Byron Katie on Self-Realization When someone is facilitating The Work, giving the four questions, he’s receiving at another level what I originally received inside me. If he’s really facilitating from a neutral position, without any motive, then he’s in the place where I am in the other side. It just gains in its freedom. It’s…

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